Note: First familiarise yourself with this linguistic category by having a look at the respective level desriptors in the ICAO Language Proficiency Rating Scale.
The skills in this category addresses the ability to produce unrehearsed speech at an appropriate pace. Nonfunctional hesitations and fillers, due to language processing or excessive self-monitoring, gradually diminish as proficiency increases. Also speakers increase their ability to guide listeners through their discourse using lexical, structural and phonological resources of the language. The learning processes involved in the development of fluency are:
a) mastery of other subskills;
b) rehearsal, repetition;
c) production practice with reduced monitoring.
Stage a)
A game to improve your spoken English...
5 Tips to Speak English Fluently & Confidently (spoken in Indian English)...
Stage a) - c): Many good recommendations/ stuff for training can be found here.